Isabelle asks: "I'm learning Korean, but I'm slow at reading. How can I improve?"

In this episode:

An unfamiliar alphabet can be off-putting
Some alphabets present significant challenges (e.g. Chinese)
Korean is relatively easy - only 24 characters
The pronunciation is reflected in the characters (unlike Chinese, for example)
Learn all the characters and associated sounds at the beginning
Improving is really just a question of practice
Keep away from romanisation

Resources mentioned in today's episode:

About the Korean language - a great summary from the Omniglot blog
Polyglot Pub Facebook Group - language meetups I run in London
Polyglot Pub Email List - get email notifications about events

Your Homework!

Help me create an amazing feature for the 100th episode! I'd like to create a montage of voices of podcast listeners from around the world, all giving one piece of language advice they've learned from the show. This would be such a great way to commemorate the 100th episode, and provide motivation for all of you out there learning languages on your own. If you'd like to participate, please click the link below and leave a short message including the following information:

Where you're from
The ONE thing you've learned from the show that's made a big difference to your language learning

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