Previous Episode: S7 E8: Cynthia Sley
Next Episode: S7 E10: Megan Jasper

Everybody should listen to Ron Gallo, not just because his music is so bloody exciting, eclectic and innovative, but also because his emotional intelligence is through the roof. As Ron has said himself, searching to find out who you truly are can mean some beautiful moments, but also some terribly dark moments. I love the fact that he sees the difficult stuff as opportunities and that feelings and thoughts are temporary - it's true, right?

Listen and watch to this as Ron talks about his rebellious streak, emotional intelligence, how old ways of learning and talking don't work for us anymore, adaptability, his existential crises and why he's ready to release his Transformer after three Metal Machines 😂

Thanks Ron, awesome stuff.

I Wanna Jump Like Dee Dee is a music podcast that does music interviews differently. 

I'm Giles Sibbald and I'm talking to extraordinary musicians, DJ’s and producers about how they use an experimental mindset in their lives to amplify their own creativity, pursue new challenges, overcome fears and bounce back from mistakes.

- brought to you by Hey Sunday, the mothership of the experimental mindset™.
- podcast logo and art by Tide Adesanya, Coppie and Paste.