Alan Newman doesn't really have hobbies---if he did, it would be to continually start new companies! Alan is the real deal. He is a serial entrepreneur, part of a rare breed of risk-takers who start up companies as often as they have new ideas. He's started dozens of successful businesses and he seems to have a gift for picking the next new hot markets. Alan founded the burgeoning mail-order Gardener's Supply Company, he co-founded the incredibly popular eco-friendly Seventh Generation line of home products and then he launched a successful micro beer biz as that industry was taking off, the Magic Hat Brewing Company. And the list of companies he creates goes on still today!

This episode is compelling not only because of Alan Newman's long list of accomplishments, but also because it's about the man himself. He's brilliant, self-effacing and enjoys chaos, knowing how to find his way through it. (You've also need to listen to see who wins the battle of the sarcastic old Jews this week.) Never bet against a genius dude in a giant white beard from Vermont!

• For more about Alan Newman:

• Alan Newman's Appearance on "How I Built This":

• Episode Content:

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