Previous Episode: Erikka Yancy
Next Episode: John Cabrera

Intro: Halter monitors, Boz moves back to LA
Let Me Run This By You: Philosophy. Do people who like to talk about philosophy also not like to talk about psychology?
Interview: We talk to Jimmy McDermott!

Jen Bosworth- Ramirez (00:00:08):

I'm Jen Bosworth Ramirez.

Gina Pulice (00:00:10):

and I'm Gina Pulice.

Jen Bosworth- Ramirez (00:00:11):

We went to theater school together. We survived it, but we didn't quite understand it.

Gina Pulice (00:00:15):

20 years later, we're digging deep talking to our guests about their experiences and trying to make sense of it all.

Jen Bosworth- Ramirez (00:00:20):

We survived theater school and you will too. Are we famous yet?

New Speaker (00:00:28):

Went from one to three. So I put it on three. I don't even know it does, but okay. I'll keep it on

Jen Bosworth- Ramirez (00:00:34):

Three. That's good. That's for sure. I'm sorry about all that. It's not your fault. Apparently I have it on three. I don't even know what one, two and three mean weird. I.

New Speaker (00:00:50):

'm good. How are you?

Jen Bosworth- Ramirez (00:00:53):

Um, iron man, uh, what is that? That's a heart monitor that the, my new, um, cardiologist was, wants me to wear for a week to make sure everything's fine. They used to call called a halter. It used to be a whole situation. Now they just give you the stick on thing. And then it's like sending messages to my doctor and you press a button if you feel anything. But I never, I don't feel anything weird. Thank God. So, um, you sleep with it on too, and you can shower it's the technology is crazy. So it used to be this whole halter, like you'd have to wear like a, like a shirt with a, and now it's just a stick of iron man. Stick on. So what a time I love my new cardiologists love her. She's so awesome. It was the best appointment. Like I said, I think I told you so it was like, it just she's so nice. She was not shaming about anything. She was like, this is a lot of genetics and this is also, and you're doing everything in your power right now to take care of your heart. We're going to follow you. I think it was a one-off. Um, but because your father had heart issues, we're going to follow you and we're going to keep you on certain medicines for a little while, but she wasn't hysterical. So like, when I went in there, my, um, my blood pressure is always really high at the doctor's office. It's, you know,

Gina Pulice (00:02:21):

white coat fever,?

Jen Bosworth- Ramirez (00:02:22):

white coat, hypertension, that's white coat hypertension. And so it was like really high. And, and the nurse was like, Oh, you know, and the people that, you know, I told you about how this is a concierge service and you have to pay $600 just to get in. Did I tell you, Oh my God, it's very LA LA. It is the worst. So, so the thing about Los Angeles is it's crazy, but also, um, so my doctor in, in Chicago referred me to this doctor that he went to, he did his residency with Dr. Weinberg. So I call and another doctor. So I call the first doctor at Cedar Sinai. Cause I figured Cedar Cedars-Sinai and I that's fancy go there. They have like a nine month waiting list unless you're having a heart attack. And I was like, no. Then I called Dr. Weinberg's office. They're like, yeah, she is taking new patients. But have you ever heard of we're concierge service? And I'm like, what, what, what are you talking about? They're like, it's a club. So you pay, you know about this, you know about this from just, Oh my gosh. So, and I, I never heard of anything like this through like there's different levels, so you could pay. And I said, what's the lowest level I could pay and still see Dr. Weinberg, who I love. And they're like $600 a year, a year. So it's not like, Oh a year. Not every time. It's not every time. So for $600 a year, you get in and you even just get an appointment with doctor with the doc, one of the doctors at the Pacific heart Institute. And so I was like, fine, fine. I can't be waiting eight months. Fine. Well, let me tell you something. I mean, it's not always true. You pay for what you get and get for what you pay. But sometimes it is like, there was no waiting. There was no, there was no, everyone was so nice. They was like, on time, she was, and she's just hysterical and funny. And like, but yeah, this concierge thing I had never heard about it in my life.

Gina Pulice (00:04:12):

Yeah. It's, it's unfortunate because like, well, what we need is universal healthcare and it's ridiculous that we don't have it, but we don't have it. And so, yeah. So it's just like, anything else, if you have money, you can have great healthcare.

Jen Bosworth- Ramirez (00:04:28):

It's so crazy. And it's so gross. And so a lot of my friends that I've told have been like, that's disgusting, dah, dah, dah. And I'm like, listen, you guys, I'm kind of in a hard place here because I need my heart tested. And I also happen to have the $600. So like, I'm going to do it. I'm not going to stand on principle and not get my heart treated because, because our is a racist classes, cesspool, I still need my heart to work. You know?

Gina Pulice (