Are you looking for truth? Are you willing to listen to a fellow human being who has fought to find truth for himself? Are you willing to listen even when you don’t agree?

Well then, this is a good place for you to be.

I have been searching for truth my whole life, especially in my 20’s. There have been times where I didn’t think I could trust anybody, even myself, to really KNOW what truth is. Have you been there too? So has Brad Wilcox.

Today, I share the microphone with Brad Wilcox, the man I came to know and love as an undergraduate student in his class at BYU. Besides his public speaking and teaching career, Brad has written many books including, The Continuous Atonement, The Continuous Conversion, and Changed Through His Grace.

Remember, there are life boats worth searching for.

His Grace is Sufficient Speech by Brad Wilcox