Ali Spagnola made her first mark with her Power Hour drinking game/album or 60 1-minute songs, but for the past several years she's been focusing on making her mark on YouTube. She finally hit paydirt eight months ago when she recorded a style mash-up of Billie Eilish and Meghan Trainor. It was meant to be her final YouTube video, but when it got millions of views Ali decided to follow the trend. We discuss all the work she put in before her video hit big, and why she can't leave the fur room she called us from.

Show Notes
Ali's YouTube Channel
Ali's Website
Ali on TikTok
Ali Spagnola - What if Billie Eilish's Bad Guy was by Meghan Trainor
Ali Spagnola - I Made A Fur Room In My Apartment
Ali on 4 the 412
Ali Spagnola - I Turned My Mom Into A Pop Star
Ali Spagnola - Freewheeling