Here I talk to someone who has  ALS for over 25 years.  I reconnect with a former colleague from Kraft Nabisco, John Carthum.  It was a few decades ago when I heard John left the company for medical reasons.  I never knew what hand he was dealt that made him have to leave his career at such a young age until I was diagnosed with ALS in 2004.  That’s when I learned that it was also ALS that John was diagnosed with in 1995. 
Now he is outliving the typical 2 to 5 year death sentence that comes with ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig's Disease.  It's incredible that John has been living with ALS for 27 years now. I am so grateful that John decided to take me up on my invitation to chat for this episode.  I knew his precious insights would be a blessing to many.  Listen in and hear John share what it has been like living with a terminal illness with no cure for such a long time, how he and his wife decided to have children after his diagnosis and what keeps him living life to the fullest while struggling every single day.  Thanks for listening in and sharing with a friend.  Hugs, Lorri

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