Ever feel intimidated by adding dual task activities to your therapy sessions? Are there times you’re not sure where to start with your clients? Maybe you don’t want to make it too easy or too difficult, and sometimes you’re not really sure if what you’re doing actually qualifies for dual tasking. Well, this episode is for you! We interview Tara McIsaac, a clinician and researcher who breaks down the dual task puzzle into an amazingly simple taxonomy. Her research findings help you apply a simple formula into your practice to ensure you’re dual tasking in the most helpful way possible.

In the show you will learn the correct way to measure both of the tasks so you can compare the performance of single and dual task performance. We also discuss what qualifies for a dual task and what doesn’t, provide some real world examples, discuss how people can get better at dual tasking and give examples of how to progress it with clients. 

Building a framework for a dual task taxonomy. McIsaac T, Lamberg E, Muratori L. Biomed Res Int. 2015. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25961027/

Cognitive-Motor Interference in Neurodegenerative Disease: A Narrative Review and Implications for Clinical Management. McIsaac T, Fritz N, Quinn L, Muraton L. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6218850/

Creighton University Phoenix https://www.creighton.edu/academics/programs/physical-therapy-phoenix



