Learn Claire’s “why” and what drives her to help others.  She shares her story of going from her stable job to starting her own business.

Additionally we dive into strengths.  What are the things you do really well? Often healthcare systems have you do a job in a certain way with no leeway.  You may have certain strengths that you cannot express because the job won’t let you, i.e. you need to do what is required!  

Why force yourself to do things you don’t like or you’re not good at?  These things made her decide to leave the hospital.  It felt taboo to leave her “good” job because she wanted more, but in the end it was the best decision she ever made.

To share her story and a lot of lessons along the way, we’re hosting a 3-part series the first 3 Tuesdays in September.  

The 3 part series will include: 

How Claire created her own wellness business using her strengths, starting with group classes How to do neuro wellness assessments for your clients that DON’T feel like physical therapy evaluations How to expand in your income streams by taking programs online, doing 1:1 wellness sessions, and expanding your programs beyond exercise 

After joining this series you will:

Think about your career differently - what is possible in the world, not just what should you do? Understand that it is possible to build a business you love that helps you pay off your loans sooner than you thought Understand the math to make the switch from full time employment to your own gig And more!

Join us for the webinar series starting Sept 1st for the next 3 Tuesdays at 5:30 pm PST / 8:30 pm EST


Anti-racist action: practice saying something when you see or hear something wrong.  Not just referring to issues of race but other stuff too.  Practice speaking up even though it makes you uncomfortable.  Stand by what you know is right so others are free to do the same.  Calling out vs calling in.