Do you feel strung along by other people’s expectations, needs, and desires of you? Maybe you’re answering emails at all hours of the day and night. Maybe you feel compelled to provide comprehensive solutions to people during times that aren’t their scheduled appointment time. Maybe you feel bad saying you don’t want to work on the weekend even though you technically could. In today’s episode we talk about boundaries. A concept that’s become common language, yet not talked about the way we’re going to discuss it: as a neuro professional.  

Join us today as we share actual examples and experiences from our work lives and coaching clients’. You’re sure to reflect on your own practice and how you can improve your communication, be more clear, take the lead, and let your clients relax because they know you’ve got it handled. Setting boundaries for your clients does not make them angry. On the contrary, it eases their anxiety because they know you’re in charge.  

For anyone looking for a helpful resource, check out this great book! Boundary Boss by Terri Cole