Neuro therapists and trainers struggle alllll the time trying to figure out what to charge for their cash-based wellness services like 1:1s and group classes.  There’s a LOT that goes into this… maybe more than you realize but you can overcome the struggle and set yourself up for success!  In this episode we walk through the critical components to setting your price and what you should ALWAYS make sure to do. 

Check out the FREE wellness business video and resource guide that we made at

Anti-racist actions: the status quo is not okay and we need to continue working toward change.  We need more equity in businesses.  More diversity and diverse view-points represented in our own lives, in healthcare, and in our practices.  

Something that has helped us to continue making that change personally has been diversifying who we follow on social media and the authors we’re reading.

Claire joined a high-level coaching program led by a black woman that is ahh-mazing

Awesome black woman PT to follow: content and social media