Today we share an update on Claire’s plan/status of reopening Rogue during COVID and where she is (or isn’t) with that challenging issue.  Gyms in our area have been allowed to re-open for about a month now.  Learn what Claire is considering.


For our main topic today we discuss what is needed to create an awesome wellness business. A lot of therapists are nervous about starting a business and there are those little things that stop you from moving forward and limit progress in your career and career satisfaction because you don’t know what to do or how to do it.  So we listed out the crucial elements to starting your own wellness business and we’re going to show you step by step what to do.  Today we begin the discussion and talk about the most important things to consider.


If you're ready to take action we are putting something together with extremely tangible steps for you to take.  The things that normally make therapists hesitate and stop them from ever getting started, we are going to walk you through all of that in August


Check out the wellness business free video and resource guide that we made at


Check out the Me and White Supremacy 28 day instagram challenge. Here is a link to the journal prompts to actually do the work. It is so important to continue working on this even if it doesn’t feel as loud in the media. Now is still the time to learn to be anti-racist.