Melissa is a business consultant who helps OT + PT business owners get the right systems, structure and support in place within their business so they can spend more time in their zone of genius, doing work that lights them up. 

We've been working with her since November of last year, she's been helping us to build a stronger infrastructure with our business so that we can be more efficient with our time and be more effective in serving our people/NeuroSpark members. 

Listen in on our conversation today to hear how we got started, what we are most passionate about, where we’re going with NC and some rapid fire fun questions!

We’re on the Top 20 Neurology Podcasts on Feedspot

Join our collaborative community! Get mentorship, continuing education, laughter, joy, fun, and support. Get out of burnout, overwhelm, and the overwork culture that’s not serving you. NeuroSpark is opening May 19-26th: