Cheryl Sanguinetti, a broker with The Mortgage Gallery in Calgary and one of the first people to go through our $25 Million Dollar Blueprint program, talks with Scott in this episode. They discuss the importance of being bold and driven in the mortgage space.

[2:50] Tell us about yourself.

I’m based in Calgary, Alberta with The Mortgage Gallery.
I’ve been licensed since the end of 2016.

[3:08] What were you doing before?

I was at home looking after my 3 boys.
I’d been in and out of real estate and financing since I was 20 years old.

[3:38] Have you loved every minute of it or has it been more challenging than you expected?

It’s not harder than I thought outside of the mental strength it takes to navigate the ups and downs.

[4:20] What quote has had an impact on your life and business?

“What is the true cost of this?”
“If I say yes to this, what am I saying no to?”

[4:48] How have you applied that in your life?

I was born a yes person.
I had to look at what I was saying yes to and what it would take away time from. You have to weigh the worth.

[5:24] What’s something you said no to recently?

A realtor had asked me to do a webinar series for new homeowners. I knew that our values didn’t align and it wasn’t worth it in the long-term.

[6:24] Tell us about a failure you have experienced and what you learned from it.

I didn’t get my processes and systems in place from the beginning
I could have definitely seen more growth and had less stress.

[7:45] What’s something you’ve changed or improved in your systems?

Finding a CRM and getting things on paper.
I use Trello and Door for easy workflow management.

[8:56] Do you have an assistant now?

That’s a tricky question! It’s been hard to find someone because I’m very specific and my whole business is based on relationships.
I need someone I know can handle the client care as well as the rest.

[12:00] After coming into the $25 Million Blueprint program, do you remember how long it was until you hit $10 million?

Almost the next year.

[13:24] What changes have you made in your sales process?

I’ve had to make a big change because I’ve always relied on face-to-face to build relationships.
I realized there’s still ways to connect and it’s given me the capacity to help more people.

[14:30] Do you prefer Zoom or phone?

Both, but for new homeowners I use Zoom so we can screen share.
You just have to make sure the follow up is still there.

[15:02] What was your biggest takeaway from the program?

Using the All About You form.
Getting your goals on paper every morning to keep you focused and prioritize.

[17:02] What’s the one thing holding brokers back from success?

Being willing to do the uncomfortable things.

[17:12] What’s something that was uncomfortable for you but isn’t now?

Getting in front of new referral sources and learning to accept rejection or being second choice.

[17:42] What’s one habit that’s made you successful?

Persistence and commitment to excellence.

[18:35] What internet resource or software would you recommend?

The Golden Coil journals.

[21:10] If you could go back to when you started, what 3 things would you tell yourself?

Get processes and systems in place.
Don’t put so much pressure on yourself.
Be bold.

[23:20] Any final thoughts for our listeners?

Everything that is meant for me is already mine. Don’t hang on so tightly and try to force things.


Contact Cheryl here:

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