Today we are joined by Brad Nemes, a mortgage broker with Capital Mortgages in Ottawa. Brad is going to reveal how he impressively went from being stuck at $12 million per year for 10 years to reaching $28 million this year.

[2:25] How did you get into the mortgage business?

I started in restaurants, moved into sales, and was head hunted into reverse mortgages.

I’ve been a broker with Capital for 17 years.

[3:49] What quote has had an impact on your life and business and how do you implement it?

“What are you doing today to make money for tomorrow.”

It keeps me focused on being busy.

[4:43] Tell us about a failure you have experienced and what you learned from it.

People new to the business were surpassing me. I’d become complacent.

That changed when you sent out the email for the $25 Million Blueprint in August 2017.

[6:20] Volume wise, where were you then versus now?

For 10 years I was at $12 million.

This year, I’m on track for $28 million.

[6:35] What are the new problems you are facing with that production increase?

I only have one uncertified assistant.

I need someone with that certification on the front end.

[7:46] What improvements have you made to your systems in the last year?

I went from using Trello to Door, which allows for more automation.

[9:15] What have you changed in your sales process?

All the digital tools are great for automation.

[11:03] What is your biggest takeaway from being in the program for the last 3 years?

Being around other likeminded brokers.

[12:13] What’s one thing holding back brokers from success?

Not picking up the phone.

[12:30] What’s one habit you have that’s made you successful?

Using the paper calendar on my desk to keep me on track.

[13:46] What internet resource or software tool would you recommend?

Lender Spotlight.


VIP Emails.

[15:30] What book would you recommend?

Who Not How by Dan Sullivan.

[16:29] If you could go back in time what advice would you give yourself starting out?

Read more books.

Do better networking.

Buy more rental properties.

Keep going to open houses.

Contact Brad here:

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