Conrad won Mortgage Professionals Canada's 2015 Innovator of the Year award. He's half broker, and half technology builder. Conrad loves using data to measure results.

He has partnered in a startup, and their first app helps borrowers pre-qualify, find the best mortgage lenders and rates for themselves, and upload documents to their brokers. It's a true digital mortgage.

2.5 years in the industry

Saskatoon, SK

Mint Mortgage (The Mortgage Group)

Conrad's Quotes
There's a way to do it better - find it.

Good Stuff
stay top of mind with referrals and relationships

Kasper helped a client determine that they'd qualify for a larger loan amount

Kasper saved time for a builder with a non-qualified client

More About Conrad

Conrad on LinkedIn

Show References
Kasper - Instantly find out how much banks and mortgage lenders will lend you

Kasper on the App Store

Kasper on the Google Play Store

Bold by Peter Diamandis


Sara Schiess

Scott Peckford

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