127: Loan Officer Robert Ring Shares How to Hear What's Not Being Said

Episode 127 of ILMB is sponsored by Pioneer West Acceptance Corporation, a private lender located in BC and Alberta.

Robert Ring is a loan officer with Skyline Home Loans , located in Walnut Creek, California. While working at a car wash selling detail packages, Robert met a loan officer who was looking to hire more salesmen. Over time, his experience in sales and working with people has led him to where he is today. Robert shares about his use of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) in his business, as well as what keeps him focused and motivated.

Stats 4 years in the industry
Walnut Creek, CA
Skyline Home Loans

Robert's Quotes Keeping the big "why" at the forefront of your mind will motivate you through the day-to-day and the mundane.

Good Stuff [1:49] How did you first get into the business?
[4:18] What is a memorable quote that has stuck with you over the years?
[4:54] What's your big "why"?
[5:42] How do you remind yourself of the "why"?
[6:44] Can you share an experience of failure which you've been able to learn from?
[8:44" Of "sales," "systems," or "people," which is your strongest?
[9:00] Which is your weakness?
[9:08] With sales, what something you do that has brought success to your business?
[9:55] What is neuro-linguistic programming?
[10:35] We want people to feel comfortable.
[11:03] Can you give an example of how this could apply in conversation?
[11:54] Listen to the way people frame their words.
[13:40] One of the aspects of sales and NLP is a "pattern interrupt."
[14:24] Where did you learn NLP?
[15:49] Could you share some of your weaknesses and how you've adapted from them?
[16:44] What do you look for when hiring people?
[17:53] What is the best business advice you've ever received?
[19:04] Stick with the tasks of highest value to you. Delegate the lower-paying tasks.
[19:40] Can you share something about yourself which you can't find through an internet search engine?
[20:22] What's the main factor holding back other loan officers from being successful?
[20:42] What habit has made you successful?
[21:06] How long does it take you to publish a video?
[21:44] What is one software or app you couldn't live without in your business?
[21:50] What book would you recommend to our listeners?
[22:01] If you could go back in time, what advice would you give to your past self to be more successful today?
[22:31] How can people contact you?

  More About Robert Website: robertring.skylinehomeloans.com
"Robert on Twitter: @SkylineHL
Robert on LinkedIn
Robert on Facebook

Show References Skyline Home Loans
MortgageCoach App
The Entrepreneur Rollercoaster

Host Scott Peckford

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