How Adam went from being a workaholic attorney to becoming a transformational leader A 1-minute technique you can do anytime, anywhere to feel more connected and present The Secret Life of A Transformational Leader: Behind-the-scenes challenges and fears almost no one talks about What it means to Pivot and how it leads to an extraordinary life The biggest obstacle you must overcome if you want to reach your next level 6 Steps For Getting Clarity: How to get clear on what you really want in life One of the most important skills to develop in business if you want to be more successful and help more people Joe and Adam discuss how to learn faster, make more money, and become a leader The Superhero Formula: What is it and how it can change your life Adam shares how to be happier, more peaceful, and more purposeful How to embrace fear and turn it into creativity, power and opportunity Why failing could be the key to helping you grow faster and get bigger, better results How to increase the quality of your life, elevate your circumstances and become more authentic The Power of Rituals: 3 simple habits to put in place that lead to more success and fulfillment