What would happen for you if you could generate more leads and right fit clients for your business?  In this episode, you’ll discover how to generate relevant and consistent leads with Genius Network Member, Nicholas Kusmich.  Nicholas helps clients generate more leads and sales with Paid Facebook Traffic using his framework of Contextual Congruence.

Here’s a glance at what you’ll learn from Nicholas Kusmich in this episode:

How to Generate Relevant and Consistent Leads: The 4 M’s That Can Transform Your Business Lessons from a marketing campaign that generated 470,137 leads and over $3.2 million The Desirability Matrix: A simple method for creating valuable, highly desirable, easy to consume products and services Nick shares how to get your message in front of your ideal customer for pennies on the dollar S.A.G.E: Use this 4-part strategy to excite your customers and help them make more progress towards their goals The 2 golden rules for marketing effectively online (Violate these two rules and almost nothing you do online will work) M _ _ _ _ _: One of the best ways to connect and engage with your audience while building and growing your mission, cause and/or business

If you would like access to the full feature video presentation, the show notes, and the special resources for this episode, please visit www.ilovemarketing.com/296