Discover The Four Horsemen & The Four Part Plan That Leads To Success with Richard Viguerie. Richard Viguerie is a Genius Network and Strategic Coach Alumni. With over 50 years of experience, he is a pioneer of political direct mail and writer on politics. He is the current chairman of You’ll also learn the importance of unique ability, the “four horsemen” of marketing, and the nine critical ways to market successfully through snail mail.

Here’s a glance at what you’ll learn in this interview:

Why Richard spends as much as 14 hours 5 days a week involved in marketing (and loves every minute of it) Richard reveals how to gain a top level education in marketing Viguerie's Four Horsemen Of Marketing: If you get these four things right then life and business become easy. Get them wrong, and you'll be travelling uphill unsuccessfully with the wind against your face... Richard shares #1 secret to marketing on the internet The four word secret to success Newt Gingrich wrote on a whiteboard when he was a young congressman 9 critical elements to successful marketing through mail (If you get all 9 of these elements right, you're guaranteed success)

Shownotes and links from this episode can be found at: