What is desire? Is it the need to have something? Is it simply a want? Or is it something even more powerful than that?

Whatever it is, it rules our lives, whether we like it or not.

Desire; desire to be better, to do better, to have more, and to make more, is what helps many of us deal with the ups and downs of life.

Desire is hope. The hope that everything will eventually work out and we will achieve whatever it is we want in our life.

As my favorite quote by Raymond Holliwell goes, “True desire represents the urge of life, seeking a fuller expression and is kept alive by the continuous expectation of its fulfillment. It brings to us the ways and means for its manifestations. The principle explains no desire is felt until the supply is ready to appear. No mind can be conscious of a need or a desire unless the possibility of its fulfillment already exists.”

This quote has been guiding my life every single day for the last few years. 

It's helped me shift my mindset in ways that nothing else ever has. It's helped me manifest more of what I desire in my life. It's helped me get out of fear and doubt, and move forward even when it seems like things aren't working. 

And more importantly, it's helped me learn to trust my heart and what I'm being called to do or have. 

 Listen in as I break down this quote and everything that it entails.


In This Episode:

[00:00] Introduction [00:44] Sharing my favorite quote with you [02:25] “True desire represents the urge of life, seeking a fuller expression.” [06:46] Do you feel the calling? Then believe that the supply is there! [12:27] Circling back quickly to how true desire is kept alive [17:05] The one thing I invite you to do today



“When you operate with the belief that you wouldn't even be aware of the desire unless the possibility of its fulfillment already existed, that changes the game, that changes everything. Then you get to the place where it's like, “You know what doubt and fear? I'm not even going to entertain you because I know that you're not truth.” – Emily Williams

“So many people are embarrassed by their desires, ashamed by their desires, feel like they're not worthy of what it is that they want, but true desire is literally about the urge of life seeking a fuller expression. So your desires are leading you towards your fully expressed life.” – Emily Williams

“Sometimes the ‘how’ gets in the way. People have a desire to build a business, to improve their health, to find love, whatever it may be, to grow their wealth, create financial abundance, and yet, they don't know how to make it happen.” – Emily Williams

“When you have a desire, you're actually already energetically aligned with it. Otherwise, you wouldn't even be aware of it.” – Emily Williams

“I want to really make it clear that sometimes it takes time to manifest something in your life, especially something like a thriving business. Of course, I believe in the power of the universe. But I also believe that there are building blocks that you have to put in place and steps that you have to take in order to reach a result.” – Emily Williams 


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