You know when sometimes things don’t go your way and you just want to scream into your pillow? Yeah, that sucks. 

It sucks soooooo much that you get angry and frustrated and you want to scream and shout (and let it all out, as a certain musician has said before).

Well, I’m here to tell you that there is noooothing wrong with those feelings.

In fact, I’d even wager it’s pretty good to let them out in a healthy way and fully embrace them.

But hey, don’t take my word for it!

Instead, take the word of this week’s guest on the podcast, the brilliant Neeta Bhushan.

If Neeta’s name sounds familiar to you, that’s because it’s not her first time on the I Heart My Life podcast (so thank you for being a faithful listener)!

She’s been here before, and today, she’s back to discuss her incredible new book, “That Sucked, Now What?” and other fun stuff, such as the challenges life throws at us, why she chose her life’s mission, her frameworks, and more.

We’ll also be talking all about the importance of emotional health, why learning to become resilient is crucial for all of us, and why she wrote her book.

Are you ready?

Let’s dive in!


In This Episode:

[00:00] Introduction [01:39] Neeta shares her work and her story with us [04:51] Neeta explains how chaos and joy can go together [11:35] Why people are uncomfortable with emotions and vulnerability [18:11] Here’s the thing about “That Sucked, Now What?” [21:13] How to express your emotions in a deeper way [30:10] Here’s where you can buy Neeta’s book, “That Sucked, Now What?”



“I have had, I feel like, many lives and I am such an advocate for emotional health. And in the intersection of how grit and resilience plays a role into our lives, as well as into our next seasons of life.” – Neeta Bhushan

“[My book] has honestly been a labor of love over the course of, probably, ever since I shifted into motherhood.” – Neeta Bhushan

“My coping mechanism was toxic positivity. And I'm a very enthusiastic, positive person. And I didn't allow myself to go there. I didn't allow myself to feel until I had no place to hide it anymore, when it was just like, oozing out of my face in every direction. Because that's when you know, the big breakdown needed to happen in order to start healing.” – Neeta Bhushan

“Another component of the bounce factor is leaning into discomfort, and leaning into discomfort creates your new environment.” – Neeta Bhushan

“We're so good at teaching our kids, if you have a sucky moment, scream into the pillow, but do it with them. Or if you don't have kids, just go into a closet and go and scream into the pillow, because that pent up anger and frustration is going to turn into resentment, passive aggressiveness, and other emotions that we really don't want festering because then it pours into people that are closest to us.” – Neeta Bhushan


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Connect with Neeta Bhushan

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Get her book, “That Sucked, Now What?”