It’s not everyday that I get interviewed, but today, that’s going to change… Because today, I will be the guest!

Yep, we’re turning the tables (on me) and I’m going to get all candid with my brilliant interviewer, the amazing Vasavi Kumar.

Woop woop! (Yes, as you can see, I am veeeery excited).

You see, I wanted to change things up a bit. And I thought, what better way to do so than to sit in someone else’s chair for once?

Well, technically, I am sitting in a new chair, as this interview is from my dear friend Vasavi’s podcast. But we’ve talked about sooo much interesting stuff and I thought it would be a shame not to share it with all of you.

Listen in to this special episode of the I Heart my Life show, as Vasavi and I talk about aaaaaaall the fun stuff, from my top mindset practices to how to transform your thoughts to create more success to how I live my life based on my desires (and how you can too) and everything in between.

I hope you’re ready because this train is about to leave the station.

All right, let’s dive in!


In This Episode:

[00:00] Introduction

[00:41] It’s time to change things up a bit!

[02:19] How I went from being rejected from Starbucks (I know, crazy, right?!) to where I am now

[07:58] Why I couldn’t NOT follow my heart

[13:26] Here’s why it’s important to admit your desires to yourself

[22:46] It’s time to realize the power of your words

[33:17] Let’s talk about motherhood

[39:12] What it’s like to be a recovering people pleaser and why you should say “no” more often



“When you start to practice following your heart and stepping outside of the rational mind that's trying to hold you back, you develop trust muscles with yourself.” – Emily Williams

“I definitely was always somebody who felt like she was meant for something big, but I didn't know what that thing actually was. But it was always that little whisper and intuition that there was something more for me and something different.” – Emily Williams

“I saw the entrepreneurs in my family have big dreams and do things that were a little bit different. But I definitely took it to a whole nother level. After my quarter life crisis, I felt like I was meant to live in London, England. And for somebody who grew up in Ohio with a family that really never leaves Ohio, that was very strange. And that was definitely one of those moments where I did get some pushback, even from friends.” – Emily Williams

“I didn't know any other way to live my life besides doing the things that I love.” – Emily Williams

“There's this beautiful quote by Raymond Holliwell, and he talks about how following your desires is basically stepping into your fully expressed life, the fullest expression of you. And so I believe that when I continue to trust my heart, that's me being fully expressed.” – Emily Williams

“Everything [you desire], big or small, just get it down on paper. Because the issue is most people can't even admit what they want to themselves.” – Emily Williams


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