Here in the I Heart my Life community, we are all about becoming the best version of ourselves, whether that means becoming the best business owner we want to be, or the best parent, or the best spouse.

And in order to do that, we are always learning more, keeping our minds open to new ideas, and learning new things about ourselves and the world around us.

And here’s a secret: It’s working!

I know, I know, it sounds too good to be true. 

But it isn't. 

Yes, growth doesn’t come easy. It’s hard and it requires a lot of work and patience. But that work comes with results, as long as you're willing to do your best (and trust the universe a little bit).

Someone who’s achieved everything she’s set to do (and is now working on achieving even more) is this week’s guest, the brilliant Destinee Berman.

Destinee is a supermom, an amazing woman, a successful entrepreneur and business owner, and an overall pretty great human being.

And today, she’s here to discuss how to start a business, the secrets to upleveling, why it’s important to have the right mindset, and more.

Are you ready? Because I know I am!

Let’s dive in.


In This Episode:

[00:00] Introduction

[00:50] Destinee shares everything you need to know about her

[05:20] How Destinee learned to express her joy in the world

[10:43] Destinee shares her first career steps as an adult

[15:11] How to develop self-belief and create resilience 

[25:06] Destinee shares how she upleveled her life this year and worked through the challenges that showed up along the way

[27:33] Advice from Destinee on how to increase your confidence and transform your mindset

[30:37] Destinee on how she balances being a mom and a business owner



“I'm learning what I need to say ‘no’ to and what I need to say ‘yes’ to, and learning how to build teams and systems so that I can have the kind of company that I want; and so also be the mom and the spouse that I want to be.” – Destinee Berman

“Being [a child of] immigrants and having to survive, that has been instilled in me for better or worse. And so this drive, this ambition, I do believe that some of it is intrinsic.” – Destinee Berman

“Being driven by fear, and being driven by this need to just make it will only take you so far. And so you know, in this range of doing something for joy, doing something for fun, doing something because I just want to, it has never really been in my world for most of my life. And so the fear is there because you feel like the rug will always be pulled underneath you.” – Destinee Berman

“The message that I've always received [from my parents] is ‘You don't have freedom unless you have your own business.’” – Destinee Berman 

“I do feel like I still have so much more potential and possibility to fulfill […] There is that inner critic, for better or worse, that I know, I have more potential, more possibility to expand on. And there has been an intrinsic grit that has been learned, and my ambition.” – Destinee Berman 


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Connect with Destinee Berman:

Check out Destinee’s online coaching business

Learn more about Future Digital

Connect with Destinee on Instagram

Connect with Destinee on LinkedIn