In this podcast, we are going to talk about movies hitting the theater in Spring 2019. As always, my friend Todd is with me so he can bring a little culture and refinement to the conversation.

I, on the other hand, am cartoon savvy, superhero sensitive, and have a book coming out that celebrates my love for a good old fashioned romantic comedy. (Hitting shelves, both real and digital, on April 30!)

I’m excited for you to hear our top choices and honorable mentions, but please do not email me, message me, at me, text me, or call me to try and convince me that I need to see Dumbo.

I will not. Can’t do it. Won’t do it. Because of his mom and the trunks and sort of holding hands and the song and the...can someone hand me a tissue please?


Before we get to the picks, Todd and I also discussed the new Frozen 2 trailer and the Captain Marvel soundtrack. Check them both out!

Todd's Picks:

Hotel Mumbai

Best of Enemies


Lincee's Picks:


Long Shot


Avenger's Endgame

Todd's Honorable Mentions:


Lost and Found

The Public



My friend Bethany Turner has a book coming out in May. It’s called Wooing Cadie McCaffrey. If you like binging romantic comedies on Netflix, you will LOVE her!

One of our very own long-time IHGB readers, Emma St Clair, wrote a romance novel based on a reality show just like The Bachelor and it is killing it on Amazon. It’s called The Billionaire Love Match and it couldn’t be more delightful. You’re not going to find any fantasy suites, but you will find all the characters endearing. Especially the sassy female lead who wears boots!


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Enjoy the show!