Well, we finally reached the end of The Bachelor season. For those of you who were thinking "WHAT WAS THAT," I feel your frustration. For others who are thinking "REJOICE! NEW TOPICS," get ready for some fun episodes on TV, movies, and something special for the 100th episode coming up in a few weeks!

But this episode is all about Colton’s journey to find someone he calls “future wife” with a woman who calls him “that guy I once dated on a reality show.”

Bless it. It was a lackluster of a finale, in my opinion. We were promised a roller coaster. What we got was a log ride. You know, just floating along, noting things to the left and to the right. 

And the one big huge dip at the end was NOT the announcement of our new bachelorette, no sir. Clearly the big moment was the chach parade. And Air Supply. Who could forget Air Supply?

Hint: Anyone under the age of 35.E


Our friend Janice Dean wrote a book called Mostly Sunny! I wrote a review for the Associated Press. Check it out HERE and buy her book HERE!

My friend Bethany Turner has a book coming out in May. It’s called Wooing Cadie McCaffrey. If you like binging romantic comedies on Netflix, you will LOVE her!

One of our very own long-time IHGB readers, Emma St Clair, wrote a romance novel based on a reality show just like The Bachelor and it is killing it on Amazon. It’s called The Billionaire Love Match and it couldn’t be more delightful. You’re not going to find any fantasy suites, but you will find all the characters endearing. Especially the sassy female lead who wears boots!


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