Happy Thanksgiving week everyone!
I know the holidays can be exciting for some and rough for others, so my friend Laura and I decided to podcast on the art of forgiveness.
Ironically, our podcast revolves around pop culture phenomenons that we are working on, but have not fully forgiven. Let me share some examples that didn’t make the show:
On Poldark, Caroline calls her husband Dr. Ennis. What’s up with that? For some reason, this is hard for me to forgive.
How about Lady Gaga’s meat dress? Can she be forgiven? And does her performance in A Star is Born help her case?
And what about Hollywood refusing to make a good love story anymore? UNFORGIVABLE!
Someone should write a book about that...

Laura wrote a VERY FUNNY, yet soul-searching book on forgiveness. It's called Forgive. and you can buy it HERE!

You can find out more about her at the Yes! Ministries website or listen to her podcast by clicking HERE!

Laura Needs Help Forgiving:

A certain death on Downton Abbey

A certain accident on Friday Night Lights

Fun tangent: I mention an FNL cameo in the finale of Parenthood

This fashion comeback!

Another fun tangent: Did you watch the live Dirty Dancing made for TV movie on NBC? We did!

Lincee Needs Help Forgiving:

This love connection on Friends

A few celebrity breakups

Arie on The Bachelor

A Wrinkle in Time


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Buy My Book: Why I Hate Green Beans

Enjoy the show!