Raise your hand if you’re worried about Bachelorette Hannah? The girl is majorly on the struggle bus and it doesn’t look like she’s hopping off any time soon. 

Some Guy in Austin and I share our theories on why she cried big, snotty tears this week:

She’s head over heels in love with Luke P.She’s quickly learning that Luke P. is a major jack wagon.She’s afraid that her man picker is broken. How can she love a chach?

I’m concerned that she doesn’t know what a red flag looks like. Perhaps if they made them crimson-colored, she’d pay more attention. 

Roll Tide! 



Here’s the link to the bios on ABC’s website. It’s better when you can put a face with a name. Otherwise, you’ll get all the D’s mixed up.

Or you could read my detailed recap from episode 4 HERE.


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