I’m excited for you to listen to this episode with my sister Jamie, but I have to disclaim a few things first before you dive in:

We laugh at the beginning. It was around midnight and we were delirious and had a hard time pulling it together to record. I left it in there as a cold open because a little sister’s job is to embarrass her big sister whenever possible. You’re welcome, Jamie.You can hear Mama in the background scolding us for not acting professional. You’ll also hear a train come through not once, but twice. It’s just a downfall of recording in the country. I would say “ignore it!” but our family’s natural instinct is to say "TRAIN" whenever we hear the whistle blow because it’s happens multiple times a day. I didn’t even remember saying it until I edited the episode. Fun times!

Moving on…

I'm so glad Jamie picked My Big Fat Greek Wedding as one of her favorite romcoms of all time. It’s one I often forget about, but after watching it again and having this conversation, I can see why she went there. 

My Big Fat Greek Wedding taught us that a bundt cake can be fixed by adding a potted plant to the hole in the middle. It also taught us that the man may be the head of the household, but the woman is the neck and can turn the head any way she wants.

And finally, whether it’s a pimple or a mosquito bite, most ailments can be cured by squirting a little Windex on it. 


Here’s the trailer for My Big Fat Greek Wedding.

And here's a link to Mama's beloved Sea Breeze!


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Enjoy the show!