Have you ever told someone to relax and they actually relax?! Hmmm, yeah... Thought not. More about that in this episode.

During holidays, special occasions, PMS, or idk, maybe during/after a global pandemic, we find ourselves assigning moral value to food. Food is neither good or bad - it's just food! 'Sup diet culture, you can sit down now!

Food guilt is a real thing and although we've been conditioned this way as humans, we CAN unlearn it! We're all human, there will be times those feelings surface into the forefront of our minds, but we can deal with them and develop and overall sense of food freedom.

And since y'all loved our first go at The Whisper Challenge, we brought it back, Easter edition. It was so fun, it's not even bunny!

Oh, and good news... Sounds like we're getting a hang of this audio thing! Woop, woop!