Key points from Zora and Langston

Provides a good overview of the years before and the years of the Harlem Renaissance Very interesting that in the twenty years between 1900 - 1920, only 10 novels were published by black authors. The book provides details about the growth of available literature by black writers in the 20's and 30's. The role of patronage and access to funding and publishing played is both familiar and interesting. It is interesting that in about 100 years we see another Renaissance in literature but this time it is very different because of the barriers that are broken due to technology. Godmother - Charlotte Mason is very interesting. While I can see why her attitude and treatment of these great writers. If it was not for her patronage, we might not have a lot of the works by these great writers. This book introduces the reader to a whole world of black writers for the Harlem Renaissance. This is a good jumping off point. A large part of the book deals with the history of the writers in the Harlem Renaissance. The details of the conflict between Zora and Langston is brief and it is sad that they had these issues over the rights of a play. One other thing that is brought up is the way Zora was treated by her fellow writers. The story of a certain group of black people trying to define what is acceptable for everyone is repeated. The resentment of Zora's style by certain members of the black literary clique is very similar to the arguments that have occurred in recent past and now. It is funny that some of the people critical of Zora were also rebel voices in their own right. This book sparked an interest in me to read all of Zora Neale Hurston's books and short stories.

A Devil of a Deal by David O'Hanlon

This story features Mr. Scratch who is enjoying his new skin he has inhabited as he goes to a meeting at the Kretcher Motel. A motel that is the center point for all things dark and terrifying. Where the imposing presence of Sybline manages the front desk. Do not mess with Sybline. Mr. Scratch and his lady companion start to enjoy their evening when suddenly they are interrupted by Mr. Rothstein and his golem bodyguard change everything. I loved this story. The world that O'Hanlon created drew me in and made me want more. I could love to read a whole novel with stories in this world.

The author David O'Hanlon lives in Arkansas with his two horrible goblins. He generally works in the horror and sci-fi genres, often setting his stories against the backdrop Arkansas' unique folklore, diverse ecology, and assorted trailer parks.

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