I am in the process of building a directory of black mystery authors. Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday I post information on mystery author who is black. This directory will include authors from all over the world.


I am building this directory to expand on the great work started by Eleanor Taylor Bland and continued by Frankie Y. Bailey that resulted in Frankie's List on the Sisters in Crime website. This list contains the names of almost 100 black mystery authors along with Asian, Hispanic, Native American and LGBTQ crime fiction authors. This list of diverse authors is a great resource and my inspiration for building my directory.


So, you may ask, why do I need to build a directory when the Sisters in Crime site already has a list. Well, first I think there cannot be too many sources for readers to discover diverse authors. Also, I plan to expand on the list and provide more resources for readers to discover books.


When you go to the Black Mystery Author Directory on, I Found This Great Book, you are presented with three tabs. The first tab lets you browse the authors by presenting a picture of the authors along with the type of mysteries they write. The authors are listed in alphabetical order by last name. By clicking on the authors name or picture you are taken to a post for the author. The post provides a link to the author's website, the type of mysteries they write, a short bio of the author and the covers of the mysteries the author has written. You can click on a book and you will be taken to a page for that book. The page will include information about the book, the book's ISBN number, a Kindle Book preview if it is available and options to purchase the book via Amazon and IndieBound.org. I do use affiliate links for Amazon. If you make a purchase of a book or audio book from the purchase links, I do get a very small affiliate reward from the purchase. This does not affect the price you pay or the money the author receives. I include Indiebound.org to help book lovers who what to support local bookstores. Indiebound.org helps readers find local books stores where they can purchase a book.


The second tab allows you to browse the books by the authors in the directory. I wanted to create a bookstore experience for you. You can browse through all the books cover by cover. You can also browse the books in a particular style of mystery. I also make it very easy to find mysteries where the sleuth is a woman. I will probably expand on these browsing options as I learn about more authors.


The third tab provides information about the directory including the names of authors I plan to add in the future. I will update this section as the directory grows.


This directory will include authors of African descent from all over the world. I am actively seeking authors for Nigeria, Kenya, other countries in Africa and the Caribbean. If you know of an author I should add, please feel free to contact me at [email protected].