I am actually a full day behind. I spent the better part of today thinking it was Tuesday and I have been operating accordingly. 

Ah well. 

Let's chalk it up to another chaotic day in life of a working mom! Ok? 

Since it's the first week of the month, you're getting another advice episode! 🎉

Listen and Mr.B and I tackle:

A wife who wonders if she should contact the "other" woman directly. A student whose girlfriend might want to break up. A man whose girlfriend can't give up her 'single' behavior. AITA: Bullying In-Laws 

As always, we hope you enjoy listening as much as we enjoy recording. 

Make sure to give us a great review and follow our podcast so you never miss an episode! Subscribe to the main blog @ www.becomingwifeyblog.com. 

Don’t forget that we take episode suggestions as well as audience submissions for our above-average advice. 

Email Us @: [email protected] 

You can also check out our podcast website here. [Buzzsprout]
Twitter: @kcshoegal22 + @Mr_B_IDD
IG: @becomingwifeyblog

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Twitter: @becomingwifeyb
TikTok: @becomingwifeyblog
Youtube: youtube.com/@Becomingwifeyblog