It has been a long time since we have done a traditional podcast episode and we are back with some fun ones for you! 

This week, Mr.B and I discuss:

Is it wrong for couples to share the same home but have different spaces/bedrooms?A man who questions his kinky side.The "can I get $100?" challenge [I guess]Siren; a new dating app for women, by women

PUH-LEEZE share your thoughts on this one in the comments! We love hearing from you. 

As always, we hope you enjoy listening as much as we enjoy recording. 

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Don’t forget that we take episode suggestions as well as audience submissions for our above-average advice. 

Email Us @: [email protected] 

You can also check out our podcast website here. [Buzzsprout]
Twitter: @kcshoegal22 + @Mr_B_IDD
IG: @becomingwifeyblog

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