Melanie Hill is a healthcare journalist. She graduated with a bachelor's in journalism and public relations from the University of Arkansas, and has specialized in healthcare PR and media work, interviewing physicians and writing for magazines, newspapers and websites for more than 20 years. For the past decade she's also served the senior writer for Nashville Medical News and a number of other healthcare publishers and public relations firms in Nashville, which she called home for 15 years. Melanie and her husband Jason have been married since 1998 and have two sons, Max and Charlie, and a creepy hairless cat named Anubis.

I had a great time talking with Melanie Hill.

We talk about:

The excuses we make as to why we can't exercise.
Overcoming those excuses.
Simple ways to get your exercise in.
The proper way of viewing exercise.
Finding time to get our exercise in on a daily basis.
How taking time to exercise will impact every aspect of your life.

After listening to this conversation, you will feel motivated to get out and to get moving!

I Can Do...So Can You! Let's GO! 


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