Previous Episode: E230: How We Got The Bible


Jesus' words are trustworthy and will not pass away.

The discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls reaffirms the accuracy of the Old Testament.

Translations of the Bible are necessary for people of different languages to understand God's Word.

Textual variants exist, but they do not undermine the overall trustworthiness of the Bible.

Individuals must make a decision to trust and obey the teachings of the Bible.


00:00 Can We Trust the Bible?

00:57 Jesus' Words Will Not Pass Away

01:24 Jesus' Resurrection

03:01 Jeremiah and the Preservation of God's Word

04:27 The Fear of God's Word

05:53 The King's Attempt to Destroy God's Word

06:51 The Preservation of God's Word

07:20 The Dead Sea Scrolls

08:47 The Accuracy of the Old Testament

09:17 The Cyrus Cylinder

10:16 The Isaiah Scroll

11:41 Bible Translations

12:40 Textual Variants and Mark 16:9-20

23:07 The Greek Septuagint

25:57 Translations Throughout History

28:53 The New Testament Writers

37:39 Responding to the Bible

48:10 Making a Decision

One Quick Correction: I mentioned there are over 5,700 manuscripts of the New Testament. That should be over 5,700 Greek Manuscripts of the New Testament.


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