
In this episode, Benjamin Lee continues the daily Bible reading with Genesis chapter three. The chapter tells the story of Adam and Eve's disobedience and the consequences they face. The serpent tempts Eve to doubt God's commands, leading to their decision to eat the forbidden fruit. As a result, sin enters the world, and Adam and Eve are expelled from the Garden of Eden. Despite their disobedience, God shows love and mercy by providing garments of skin to cover their shame.


Sin is missing the mark that God has established and is disobedience to His commands.
The serpent, identified as Satan in Revelation, tempts mankind through the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life.
The consequences of sin include physical and spiritual separation from God.
The devil promises much but always under delivers, and God's way is always the best way.
We are responsible for our own decisions and cannot blame others for our choices.
The Bible does not specify the kind of fruit Adam and Eve ate, reminding us to be careful about assumptions when reading Scripture.
God's love and mercy are evident even in the midst of sin and disobedience.


00:00Introduction and Genesis 3:1-7

01:22God's Response and Consequences (Genesis 3:8-19)

03:19Expulsion from the Garden (Genesis 3:20-24)

04:18Sin and Disobedience

04:48The Serpent and Temptation

06:10The Consequences of Sin

06:39The Deception of the Devil

07:22The Blame Game and Responsibility

07:51The Fruit and Assumptions

08:21God's Love and Mercy


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