Who is Maris? 

Maris is light. Maris is love. Maris is open-hearted. Maris is authentic. Maris is vulnerable. Maris is organic. Truthfully...Maris is just Maris! 

Maris is a 20 year old college student who is impacting the world with her documentary called I AM Maris. If you scroll through Netflix and search under "new releases" or "trending on Netflix" you'll find her documentary like I did a few weeks ago. After watching her successful breakthrough during a challenging time in her young life to overcome an eating disorder, I was compelled to invite her on my podcast. 

Maris and I talk candidly about her childhood growing up near Silicon Valley where achieving very high standards is normal practice, even for kids. The pressure she put on herself to always be "perfect" caused her to go down a dark and dangerous path. She became anxious and too often felt out of control of her emotions. She found the only thing she could control was eating, but she did not do it in a healthy way. 

With the intervention from her parents Sharon and Steve, she was admitted into a hospital to help her recover and get professional help to regain her physical and mental health caused from the damage of her diseases, anorexia and bulimia. 

Maris took her recovery with the same focus and attitude that she took with everything she had done in her past. But this time the stakes were higher and her life depended on her successful recovery. Although her path on recovery was not easy, and there were too many setbacks to even mention, but Maris recovered and found herself in a Lululemon on a Sunday morning to participate in a free yoga class that was recommended by her Doctors to aid in her recovery.

That Sunday morning yoga class and teacher sparked the beginning of Maris's new passion and mission to spread the healing powers of yoga, whole foods, and mindful living through her blog, teaching practice, Netflix documentary and speaking appearances.

She has been featured by CNN health and across the media being spotlighted for her fearless authenticity and raising awareness of eating disorders and mental health.

This is a must listen to episode if you are dealing with any challenges in life, especially any type of eating disorders or other related health issues brought on by anxiety or stress.
