Jen and Amy are back in the first of a series of five brand new episodes!

In this first episode we are looking at a proposed new 8-stage model of domestic abuse published earlier this year by Dr Jane Monckton-Smith of Gloucester University. Dr Monckton-Smith has produced an excellent summary video explaining the 8 stages if you would like to see her talking through the model - link is below.

We talk about the utility of this model in practice, compare it with other tools we are currently seeing, including the DASH, and also discuss the portrayal of intimate partner violence in UK media and how this may impact on perpetrator and victims as well as us professionals.

As ever we would love to hear from you, email us at [email protected]

Thank-you and we hope you enjoy this new series!
Amy and Jen

References and further reading:

BBC News article summarising 8-stage model:

Original article (Monckton-Smith 2019)
Intimate Partner Femicide: Using Foucauldian Analysis to Track an Eight Stage Progression to Homicide

Video explaining the model by Probation Service and Dr Jane Monckton Smith

DASH risk assessment checklist:

Almond, McManus, Brian & Merrington 2017
Demonstrates that individual questions on DASH not independently predictive of reoffending.

Turner, Medina & Brown 2019
DASH little better than random at predicting high risk cases

Challenging the dominant discourse around domestic abuse in the media: Luke and Ryan Hart

“he just snapped” media representations

Smoke and Mirrors: U.K. Newspaper Representations of Intimate Partner Domestic Violence