Amy attended the fabulous CPHVA conference last year in Harrogate, without her podcast wife! In this episode Amy tells Jen everything she missed.

If you don’t follow us on twitter, now is the time to check it out and go back to our twitter feed from the 15th and 16th October 2019 - we were tweeting lots from every session and this will also give you lots of insight alongside this episode to the learning and resources you can get from conference.

We also cover in this episode how to get involved with your local branch or apply for a grant to get funding to attend this year’s conference in 2020 - hopefully we will see you there!

As ever we love hearing from you - email us at [email protected]

Resources and Further Reading:

CPHVA education and development trust:

Baby Milk Action

First Steps Nutrition

UNITE CPHVA - find your local branch

NSPCC new tool