Tribe…have some fun with this one! 

If you play along and join us in this exercise… you are creating your Champion’s Journey in your minds eye first. 

This is your winning image story. A story created by your dreams and beliefs. It is a place where anything is possible. 

We suggest you download this episode and play it to yourself once a day. Make visualizing daily a habit. Champions work on their vision daily. This exercise is working on your Vision!  It might feel weird and hard at first. But like any new skill. You got to work at it consistently to master it. If you have been listening to the stories of champions you will see that visualization  is one of the skills dreamer needs to bring the dream into reality. 
This exercise is great for the young and the old and not just for an athlete but anyone with a even a small goal and a tiny dream who wants to harness the incredible power of their mind. 

We begin the visualization with implanting some beliefs because belief is everything.

Your beliefs  become your thoughts, 

Your thoughts become your words, 

Your words become your actions, 

Your actions become your habits, 

Your habits become your values, 

And Your values become…..your destiny.


Let’s do this. Whatever your dream is.

You GOT it.


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