Christopher Shade, PhD, is the founder and CEO of Quicksilver Scientific, and he specializes in the biological, environmental, and analytical chemistry of mercury in all its forms and their interactions with sulfur compounds, particularly glutathione and its enzyme system.

Chris patented a mercury speciation diagnostic process to analyze human toxicity, founded the only clinical lab in the world offering mercury speciation analysis, and has designed cutting-edge systems of nutraceuticals for detoxification and antioxidant protection. His Quicksilver Delivery Systems® nanoparticle technology also increases the bioavailability of supplements and protocols, leading to higher efficacy products. 

His inventions and research have helped corporate executives, professional athletes, celebrities, children with autism, and patients with chronic immune disorders achieve results they never thought possible. He strives to evolve the way the medical industry delivers care, and he is perpetually broadening the way the world understands health.

We kick this episode off with a shot of “CEO sauce” and a bottle of unfiltered deuterium-depleted water, giving us all the energy and focus we need for a truly incredible conversation about how Quicksilver Scientific came to be, why all supplements are not created equal, what makes Quicksilver supplements so effective, why you can be drinking water all day long and still feel dehydrated, how you are helping or hindering cellular hydration in your body, what you can do to enhance cellular communication, and the best ways to kickstart your detox.

Resources: (

Quicksilver Scientific on YouTube (

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Hydrate with Tracy Duhs is a production of (

Christopher Shade, PhD, is the founder and CEO of Quicksilver Scientific, and he specializes in the biological, environmental, and analytical chemistry of mercury in all its forms and their interactions with sulfur compounds, particularly glutathione and its enzyme system.

Chris patented a mercury speciation diagnostic process to analyze human toxicity, founded the only clinical lab in the world offering mercury speciation analysis, and has designed cutting-edge systems of nutraceuticals for detoxification and antioxidant protection. His Quicksilver Delivery Systems® nanoparticle technology also increases the bioavailability of supplements and protocols, leading to higher efficacy products. 

His inventions and research have helped corporate executives, professional athletes, celebrities, children with autism, and patients with chronic immune disorders achieve results they never thought possible. He strives to evolve the way the medical industry delivers care, and he is perpetually broadening the way the world understands health.

We kick this episode off with a shot of “CEO sauce” and a bottle of unfiltered deuterium-depleted water, giving us all the energy and focus we need for a truly incredible conversation about how Quicksilver Scientific came to be, why all supplements are not created equal, what makes Quicksilver supplements so effective, why you can be drinking water all day long and still feel dehydrated, how you are helping or hindering cellular hydration in your body, what you can do to enhance cellular communication, and the best ways to kickstart your detox.


Quicksilver Scientific on YouTube

Connect with Chris Shade:


Connect with Tracy Duhs:




Hydrate with Tracy Duhs is a production of Crate Media