In this episode, we are chatting with Primoz Bozic and he provides soooo much value so hold on to your pants. He shares his journey from being computer programmer making $7/ hour to creating and running 7-figure courses for Ramit Shethi and how it all led to him focusing on helping people create Ultimate Guides.

In the episode, we walk step by step through exactly how you can create your own Ultimate Guide to grow your audience.

You can find his Ultimate Guide Checklist at:

We also talked about:

The Quick Guide to Skyrocketing Your Poker Productivity (this guide helped him set up the original poker productivity business and got well over 200,000 views)

Ultimate Guide to Attending Conferences

The Ultimate Guide to Buying a Leather Jacket: Peter's Ultimate Guide that brought him over 1,000 e-mail subscribers (and ranks #3 on Google for "How to Buy a Leather Jacket")

How Heidi Weinberg, a successful freelance fashion designer wrote the Ultimate Guide to Becoming a Successful Freelance Fashion Designer on her website, then repurposed it on Amazon as a Kindle e-book, audiobook and paperback book.

How Michelle Rebosio, an international development expert that wrote The Ultimate Guide to Finding a Job in International Development that got her from 0-1,500 e-mail subscribers within 6 weeks.

You can pick up your copy of The Side Hustle Journal over at

If you have an awesome side hustle that you would like to share with the world, I'd love to have you on my podcast.

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