In this episode, Marvin Britt takes us through his side hustle journey, which started out working full-time at Fannie Mae, then getting a part-time job personal training after work then realizing he could create bootcamps on the weekends for even more money. That ended up getting him in some trouble but it ultimately led to what he is doing now - owning his own personal training studio and doing it full-time for his company, Action Sport and Fitness!

You can find out more about his company, Action Sport and Fitness here.

You can reach out to him by email: [email protected] or on Instagram @marvthebrand

You can find the book that HE WROTE on Amazon here.

During the chat, Marvin had a few books that he recommended and helped him over the years. Those were:

Think and Grow Rich
As A Man Thinketh
The Law of Success

As always, you can find The Side Hustle Journal on the Grit and Hustle website or over on Amazon.