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Hustle in Faith

278 episodes - English - Latest episode: 4 days ago - ★★★★★ - 57 ratings

Hustle in Faith is dedicated to helping people who want to analyze, apply, and amplify their God-given talents. We accomplish this by discussing business, self-improvement, health and beauty, and my random thoughts about life from a Christian perspective.

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Respect starts with you

April 17, 2019 14:35 - 9 minutes - 13.4 MB

We live in a society where respect is slowly but surely declining. Discover why respect starts with you first.  --- Support this podcast:

Lessons I have learned as a Group Fitness Instructor (Zumba)

April 11, 2019 12:51 - 12 minutes - 10.3 MB

In today's Random Thoughts Thursday segment, I wanted to share some lessons that I have learned since I became a Group Fitness Instructor. Taking my passion for Zumba and fitness to the next level has been an amazing experience. However, that's because I made sure to keep in mind the following four things in mind. Special thanks to the following AMAZING Zumba instructors: Tiffany, Sabina, Jennifer, Sabrina, MarieAnne and Kristina. These ladies have in played a role in my Zumba journey. Thanks...

Is it possible to stay on top?

April 01, 2019 13:38 - 7 minutes - 6.99 MB

The Christian life can oftentimes feel like a roller coaster. When you finally make it to the very top of the ride outside forces cause you to head back down again. It's enough to make you wonder if it's truly possible to stay on top. Find out the answer in today's episode. --- Support this podcast:

Are you running away from your blessings?

March 18, 2019 12:00 - 6 minutes - 5.39 MB

One of my favorite movies ais the Lion King. Even though it’s a children’s movie, there are so many lessons that can be learned from Simba. The saddest scene in the movie is where Scar kills Simba’s dad. Scar then tricks Simba into thinking he caused his father’s death and the only thing left for Simba to do was run away. Scar had convinced Simba to run away so Simba would leave his blessing of becoming the next king.  Discover how Satan tricks us into running away from our blessings and h...

Will you let your light shine?

March 04, 2019 13:02 - 6 minutes - 6.32 MB

This world is full of toxic people. We take the train with them, we work with them, and sadly, some of us may even live with them. Regardless of what situation you may be, I want you to realize that your circumstances do not determine whether you need to allow that toxicity into your soul.  In fact, God tells us in Matt 5:16 let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. Discover the importance in letting your light shine. www.hustlei...

Cashless Restaurants - Random Thoughts Thursdays

February 28, 2019 13:00 - 5 minutes - 7.88 MB

We have made so many advances in technology that some restaurants are only accepting credit cards. Sure it's convenient for the restaurant, but what about others who aren't so fortunate to have a credit card? I share my thoughts regarding this trend in today's episode. --- Support this podcast:

A win can come in the form of a loss

February 18, 2019 15:07 - 7 minutes - 10.6 MB

Sometimes when we lose a job, friendships, etc. we think it's the end of the world. I want to provide you with another perspective. Oftentimes, God uses these situations to push you into the destiny that He has in store for you if you stay in faith and don't give up. Download your grateful notes planner right here ( --- Support this podcast:

Random Thoughts Thursdays | You can be angry 😤

January 31, 2019 14:13 - 9 minutes - 12.3 MB

 You have the right to be express yourself, so feel free to get angry. Thanks so much for listening to today's episode. Don’t forget to download the goal setting planner and grateful notes on the website. If you enjoy Hustle in Faith's content, please consider becoming a supporter of by donating to help offset the cost of producing this show.  Be sure to connect with us on our Facebook and Pinterest. Remember, if you’re everything to everyone then you risk being no one.  You never know who yo...

What would you tell yourself 10 years ago?

January 28, 2019 13:00 - 21 minutes - 29.7 MB

What would you tell yourself 10 years ago? Thanks so much for listening to today's episode. Don’t forget to download the goal setting planner and grateful notes on the website. If you enjoy Hustle in Faith's content, please consider becoming a supporter of by donating to help offset the cost of producing this show.  Be sure to connect with us on our Facebook and Pinterest. Remember, if you’re everything to everyone then you risk being no one.  You never know who you may inspire. See you i...

Why are you so energetic? - Healthy Wisdom Wednesday

January 16, 2019 12:44 - 16 minutes - 14.9 MB

 In today's Healthy Wisdom Wednesday segment, I share advice about various supplements I take that help give me energy. Amazing Grass Energy Ultima Replenisher Electrolyte Powder Raspberry and Lemonade Amazing Grass Organic Plant Based Vegan Protein Superfood Powder   Floradix Iron Sunfood Turmeric and Super Herbs  Numi Organic Turmeric Tea  American Health Multi-Enzyme Plus, Super Papaya  Thanks so much for listening to today's episode. Don’t forget to download the goal setting pla...

How do you study the Bible?

January 14, 2019 13:00 - 11 minutes - 10.5 MB

 In today's episode, I share advice in how I conduct my Bible study. Thanks so much for listening to today's episode. Don’t forget to download the goal setting planner and grateful notes on the website.  If you enjoy Hustle in Faith's content, please consider becoming a supporter of by donating to help offset the cost of producing this show. Be sure to connect with us on our Facebook and Pinterest. Remember, if you’re everything to everyone then you risk being no one. You never know who y...

The Hidden Trap of Ambition

January 07, 2019 13:00 - 6 minutes - 8.77 MB

Discover the potential dangers in striving for success. Learn how to keep your ambition in check so you can live the extraordinary life God destined for you. Do you to keep your ambition in check? I’m curious to hear your thoughts. Thanks so much for listening to today's episode. Don’t forget to download the goal setting planner and grateful notes on the website.  If you enjoy Hustle in Faith's content, please consider becoming a supporter of by donating to help offset the cost of producin...

Happy New Year! Lights, Camera, Action!

January 06, 2019 04:32 - 1 minute - 2.61 MB

Happy New Year! I've already started with one of my goals...I'm going to do more videos! Discover why in today's podcast.  Feel free to show some love on both of my channels: HustleinFaith Starengu --- Support this podcast:

Why is it useless to complain?

December 31, 2018 14:00 - 6 minutes - 9.2 MB

Well, you don’t need me to tell you this, but today is the last day of 2018. Another year has come and gone. 2018 has been a bit of a roller coaster for me. I can honestly say I’ve had more highs than lows, so I don’t have any complaints, which by the way is a fantastic segway into today’s topic.  Why is it useless to complain? Many people often believe that when they become a Christian that life is going to be nothing but happiness. However, they fail to realize that God warned us in 1 Pe...

How to Separate Your Business and Personal Life

December 27, 2018 13:00 - 8 minutes - 7.98 MB

  Discover why and how to separate your business and personal life. Don't forget to download your goal setting formula planner and grateful notes. Thanks so much for listening to today's episode. If you enjoy Hustle in Faith's content (, please consider becoming a supporter of by donating to help offset the cost of producing this show. Be sure to connect with us on our Facebook and Pinterest. Remember, if you’re everything to everyone then you risk being no one. ...

Keratin Hair Treatment Update | Healthy Wisdom Wednesday

December 26, 2018 13:00 - 10 minutes - 9.62 MB

   In today's Healthy Wisdom Wednesday segment, I will update you on how well the Keratin treatment has worked on my 4C hair. Also, I want to introduce you to the rice water hair treatment as well. Thanks so much for listening to today's episode.  Don't forget to download your free goal setting planner & grateful notes ( If you enjoy Hustle in Faith's content, please consider becoming a supporter of by donating to help offset the cost of producing this show. Be ...

What will your theme be in 2019?

December 24, 2018 13:00 - 18 minutes - 25.9 MB

   In today's episode, we will discuss why and how it is important to create a winning goal setting plan. I'll also share what my theme word is for 2019. Thanks so much for listening to today's episode. If you enjoy Hustle in Faith's content, please consider becoming a supporter of by donating to help offset the cost of producing this show. Be sure to connect with us on our Facebook and Pinterest. Remember, if you’re everything to everyone then you risk being no one. You never know who yo...

How to Survive the Winter Season -Part 2

December 17, 2018 13:00 - 11 minutes - 15.4 MB

This podcast is a continuation from last week’s episode called How to Survive the Winter Season in Your Life. I want to bring up some points regarding the armor of God. When I was not fully dressed in my armor, I put myself in a position whereby I was unnecessarily beaten up by life. I learned in order to live the abundant Christian life that Christ came to give us, we must stay fully dressed in our armor. This world is a war zone. I have lost many battles being half dressed in my armor. ...

Fitness Fridays: Get off the couch and take the first step

December 07, 2018 13:56 - 10 minutes - 13.8 MB

Don't wait until January to get in to shape. Learn tips that you can use right now to help you jumpstart your fitness journey. Thanks so much for listening to today's episode. I hope you will take a moment to connect with me on my Facebook and Pinterest pages. If you have enjoyed listening to the content as much as I have enjoyed Hustle in Faith podcast, please consider becoming a supporter by donating any amount you feel compelled to give to help offset the cost of producing this show.   ...

Random Thoughts Thursdays: Homelessness and Gentrification

December 06, 2018 13:00 - 14 minutes - 20.4 MB

Today is a new segment that I started calling Random Thoughts Thursdays. I'll be talking about various topics that interest me. In our first segment, we will be discussing homelessness and gentrification. Thanks so much for listening to today's episode. I hope you will take a moment to connect with me on my Facebook ( and Pinterest ( pages. If you have enjoyed listening to the content as much as I have enjoyed Hustle in ...

Healthy Wisdom Wednesday: The Importance of Continuing Education

December 05, 2018 16:21 - 8 minutes - 3.94 MB

Discover why you need to continue your eduction.  --- Support this podcast:

How to Survive the Winter Season in Your Life

December 03, 2018 13:00 - 6 minutes - 9.11 MB

Unfortunately, we have four seasons. Winter is typically one of those seasons that no one likes to talk about. Winter makes us feel a variety of negative feelings. Needless to say, I’ve had my share of winter seasons both physical and spiritual. If you’re going through a spiritual Winter season right now, here are my tips on how you can survive this season in your life by getting properly dressed in God's armor. --- Support this podcast:

Healthy Wisdom Wednesday-Why I will not work during my vacation

November 28, 2018 16:15 - 25 minutes - 35 MB

Many companies expect their employees to work themselves to death. As Americans, we typically only receive 2 to 3 weeks vacation (much less than our friends overseas receive). So imagine my surprise when I was asked to work during my vacation. I know you already know the answer (it's in the title), but find out why and some other thoughts I share as well (i.e. tackling the Angry Black Woman stereotype). Be sure to connect with me on my website, Facebook and Pinterest. --- Support this ...

How do you handle greed?

November 19, 2018 13:00 - 4 minutes - 5.51 MB

Now, I know that may seem like an odd question especially since we’re getting ready to celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday this Thursday. After all, this is the time of the year that many Americans will gather around the table with their family and friends in order to give thanks for all of the many blessings that they have in their life. The irony is the VERY next day, referred to by Americans as Black Friday, many people will then go to the malls, fight an insane crowd of people in order t...

Do the pieces fit in your puzzle?

November 05, 2018 13:00 - 10 minutes - 9.87 MB

Honestly, the more I think about my life, the more I think about how it feels like a jigsaw puzzle with an insane amount of pieces. I sometimes visualize God literally dumping all of the puzzle pieces out of the box and onto a table. If you're like me, you automatically allow yourself to become overwhelmed by looking at the sheer number of pieces thinking, “There’s no way that I’ll ever be able to finish this puzzle.” Yet, you’re wrong. We all have the ability to solve our puzzles. Discov...

Are you auditing your life?

October 22, 2018 12:00 - 10 minutes - 9.65 MB

I’ve never audited a course. To each its own, but auditing a course never made sense to me. If you already paid for the course, books, software, etc. why wouldn’t you want to take the tests so you can receive a grade? That’s a whole lot of effort to go through without receiving a reward. We can easily see why it wouldn’t make sense to audit a course, yet, many people don’t realize that their auditing their spiritual lives. So many of us (myself included) are diligent about acquiring knowle...

What will your dash look like?

October 08, 2018 12:00 - 9 minutes - 9.1 MB

Many times when we look at an obituary or headstone, we look at their birthdate and date of death, but what about the dash? That dash is more than a punctuation. It’s our life. What will your dash look like? In today's episode, I will share with you how I went about rediscovering my talents in order to create a life filled with peace, joy and happiness. What will you do to ensure that your dash mattered? Be sure to connect with me on Facebook and Pinterest. :) --...

How do you adjust to life's twists and turns?

October 01, 2018 12:00 - 6 minutes - 9.21 MB

The story of Joseph has ALWAYS been one of my favorites. Mainly because his life was literally filled with twists which you read about in Gen 39. I’m well aware that I will never endure the same trials that Joseph went through, but the pain and confusion Joseph felt as he went through those trials is something everyone will experience in varying degrees throughout their life. --- Support this podcast:

Are you a risk taker?

September 24, 2018 12:00 - 5 minutes - 7.4 MB

We can save ourselves the headache of experiencing unnecessary confusion by always taking the risk and betting on God to give us the desires of our heart. Thanks so much for listening to today's podcast ( If you have enjoyed listening to the content as much as I have enjoyed creating the Hustle in Faith podcast, please consider becoming a supporter by donating any amount you feel compelled to give to help offset the cost of producing this show. Remember, if you’r...

Have You Grown Weary?

September 14, 2018 15:41 - 10 minutes - 14.7 MB

In today's episode, we're going to learn how to identify if we've grown weary of doing good. Thanks so much for listening to today's podcast. If you have enjoyed listening to the content as much as I have enjoyed creating the Hustle in Faith podcast, please consider becoming a supporter by donating any amount you feel compelled to give to help offset the cost of producing this show. Don’t forget to share this message. You never know who may inspire. See you in the next podcast! --- Suppor...

Are You the CEO of Your Life?

September 04, 2018 22:41 - 6 minutes - 9.27 MB

Many people dream about being their own boss. However, many fail to realize that they already are CEOs of their own lives. Your life is your brand. How are you running your company? If you have enjoyed listening to the content as much as I have enjoyed creating the Hustle in Faith podcast, please consider becoming a supporter by donating any amount you feel compelled to give to help offset the cost of producing this show. Don’t forget to share this message. You never know who may inspire. Se...

How will you use your arrows?

August 27, 2018 12:00 - 8 minutes - 11.3 MB

Discover how to respond to your crisis by learning from the mistakes of King Joash. It's important to use all of your arrows (aka your gifts and talents) so you can reduce the time it takes to triumph over the problems you encounter in life. Thanks so much for listening to today's podcast. If you have enjoyed the content provided by the Hustle in Faith ( podcast, please consider becoming a supporter by donating any amount you feel compelled to give to help offset the c...

Why should you enjoy being single?

August 13, 2018 12:28 - 12 minutes - 17.5 MB

Discover why you should enjoy your life regardless of your martial status. --- Support this podcast:

Who is in charge of your life?

August 06, 2018 12:27 - 7 minutes - 9.85 MB

Many of us are under the illusion that we’re in charge of our life. However, if you really want to see if you’re in charge of your life, take a moment to honestly answer the 3 questions in this episode. Thanks so much for listening to today's podcast. My goal is to help you both spiritually and physically. If this podcast has been a blessing to you, please check out my other website I’m confident that my side hustle of helping others to invest in themselves via my yout...

The Workplace is a Lion's Den

July 30, 2018 14:00 - 8 minutes - 12 MB

Most workplaces are nothing but a lion’s den. Find out how you can keep from being devoured by Satan so you can achieve success in life. Thanks so much for listening to today's podcast. My goal is to help you both spiritually and physically. If this podcast has been a blessing to you, please check out my other website I’m confident that my side hustle of helping others to invest in themselves via my youtube channel, podcast, Facebook Group, and most importantly my online course...

3 Very Different Exercises to Jump Start your Exercise Routine:

July 25, 2018 14:00 - 9 minutes - 13.3 MB

Discover why you should consider checking out the very different workout suggestions mentioned in today's podcast. Thanks so much for listening. My goal is to help you both spiritually and physically. If this podcast has been a blessing to you, please check out my other website I’m confident that my side hustle of helping others to invest in themselves via my youtube channel, podcast, and most importantly my online courses can be of assistance to you. My courses are geared to...

Birthday Episode: How to Identify and Remove Toxic People from Your Life

July 18, 2018 14:00 - 21 minutes - 29.7 MB

You can't take everyone with you on your journey to success. The sooner you remove toxic people from your life, the faster you can start experiencing success. --- Support this podcast:

Who is Your Employer?

July 16, 2018 13:00 - 7 minutes - 10.6 MB

Knowing that Christ is our true employer and that He has a variety of ways in providing for us, should be a game changer for Christians. It removes the stress and frees our thought life from the psychological and emotional turmoil from the drama created by the workplace Christians should not view their physical employer as their only source of income in order to survive. Discover why you should consider becoming a member of Christ's Employment Agency. Thanks so much for listening to today's...

Change Your Can’t to Can

July 04, 2018 01:19 - 10 minutes - 4.76 MB

Discover how changing your perspective positions you to experience success. --- Support this podcast:

Healthy Wisdom Wednesday - Arthritis

June 27, 2018 12:47 - 31 minutes - 43.5 MB

Discover how to get rid of your arthritis and joint pain. Thanks so much for listening to today's podcast. My goal is to help you both spiritually and physically. If this podcast has been a blessing to you, please check out my other website I’m confident that my side hustle of helping others to invest in themselves via my youtube channel, podcast, Facebook Group, and most importantly my online courses can be of assistance to you. My courses are geared towards teaching people how...

Spiritual Lessons You Can Learn from a 9 to 5

June 25, 2018 12:00 - 8 minutes - 11.6 MB

How many of us have a 9 to 5? I’ve got my hand raised. Now how many of us love working at our 9 to 5? If I were to take a guess, I’m sure a lot of folks put their hands down and are probably shaking their heads in disagreement. The Spanish phrase Trabajo para vivir no Vivo para trabajar which means I work to live not live to work is a mentality that many of us share. Unfortunately, very few people are working in their dream jobs. Now there are a variety of reasons why this may be the case, b...

Baptism is a rite of passage

June 18, 2018 12:00 - 5 minutes - 7.18 MB

Discover the need for baptism. If this podcast has been a blessing to you (, please check out my other website I’m confident that my side hustle of helping others to invest in themselves via my youtube channel, podcast, Facebook Group, shop and most importantly my online courses can be of assistance to you. My courses are geared towards teaching people how to create their own website, and promote their endeavor through digital marketing, and so much mor...

How do you stop feeling defeated?

June 12, 2018 12:18 - 9 minutes - 8.43 MB

Life is hard. We may be victims but we cannot adopt the victim mentality.  We will ALL encounter moments in our life when it feels like there are so many obstacles in our way that we can’t even see the finish line. Discover how Elijah stopped feeling defeated. If this podcast has been a blessing to you, please check out my other website I’m confident that my side hustle of helping others to invest in themselves via my youtube channel, podcast, Facebook Group, shop and most impo...

Healthy Wisdom Wednesday: Digestive and Fibroid Issues

June 06, 2018 12:00 - 24 minutes - 33.4 MB

In today's Healthy Wisdom Wednesday segment, we are discussing digestion, fibroids, and so much more. We are sharing a variety of enzymes that will help you manage or alleviate your symptoms. Thanks so much for listening to today's podcast. My goal is to help you both spiritually and physically. If this podcast has been a blessing to you, please check out my other website I’m confident that my side hustle of helping others to invest in themselves via my youtube channel, podcast...

What are you willing to sacrifice?

June 04, 2018 12:00 - 5 minutes - 7.68 MB

What are you willing to sacrifice?  Thanks so much for listening to today's podcast. My goal is to help you both spiritually and physically. If this podcast has been a blessing to you, please check out my other website I’m confident that my side hustle of helping others to invest in themselves via my youtube channel, podcast, Facebook Group, shop and most importantly my online courses can be of assistance to you. My courses are geared towards teaching people how to create their...

Don't Set People Up

May 29, 2018 11:43 - 5 minutes - 7.87 MB

Anger does more harm to its host (those who house his spirit) than it does to its intended victim. Find out why we should not allow our anger to cause us to set people up. Thanks so much for listening to today's podcast ( My goal is to help you both spiritually and physically. If this podcast has been a blessing to you, please check out my other website I’m confident that my side hustle of helping others to invest in themselves via my youtube channel, pod...

What demonic forces are in your life?

May 22, 2018 11:45 - 8 minutes - 11.5 MB

Discover how to get rid of the demonic forces that are in your life by learning how to identify negative traits that are within us. Being able to do so will help us to make adjustments to our life and defeat whatever evil spirit(s) that are holding our thought life hostage. If this podcast has been a blessing to you (, please check out my other website I’m confident that my side hustle of helping others to invest in themselves via my online courses can be ...

Looks can be deceiving

May 14, 2018 12:00 - 8 minutes - 11.4 MB

Learn how to stop relying soley on your sight. If this podcast has been a blessing to you (, please check out my other website I’m confident that my side hustle of helping others to invest in themselves via my online courses can be of help to you. My courses are geared to teaching people how to create their own website, and promote their endeavor through digital marketing, and so much more. You never know who you may inspire. See you in the next podcast! ...

Happy Mother's Day!

May 12, 2018 13:33 - 3 minutes - 1.83 MB

Happy Mother's Day! I wanted to make sure to show love to all the mommies out there. We love and appreciate you! Of course, I have to give a special shout out to my mom Pearlean Johnson. My mom is the epitome of what a mother should be. I'm so grateful God blessed me and had her to be my mom. Discover why Pearlean Johnson is not only an amazing mother, but an amazing woman. Also, check out her book Facts You Need to Know on Amazon (

Healthy Wisdom Wednesday with Julio Paz

May 09, 2018 12:14 - 28 minutes - 26.4 MB

Discover how and why it is important to take control of your health. Remember, if you’re everything to everyone then you risk being no one. Creating your blog is the first step to investing in yourself and allows you the ability to connect with other people. If you’re interested in creating your own website, your own videos or learning more about digital marketing go to and download our free After 9 to 5 Thrive Guide. I’m confident that you will find a course to help you with ...

Twitter Mentions

@vaycarious 1 Episode