When you first hear the word, “storytelling”, you may automatically assume the reference is to an exaggeration of a narrative. Expert storyteller coach, Mike Ganino, debunks this common misconception as he further explains storytelling through business use. Mike’s journey didn’t begin in his current field of coaching clients on how and why to tell stories, but through various careers in areas of hospitality, improv, culture coaching, speaking and more, where he has gained invaluable experience in the power of a story. Through storytelling, Mike discusses how he helps his clients learn to provide factual information by adding life and emotion to the process so that people will more accurately remember the information.

In this episode you will learn:

• How Mike Ganino has used the classic “yes, and” taught in improv to transition and advance his career over the past 20 years

• Find out how Mike’s business has matured over the years and how Mike began working as an expert in storytelling

• Hear how Taylor Swift’s strong brand and marketing approach makes her a master at storytelling

• Learn how storytelling provides more than just the facts and information, but an interesting way for the human brain to retain information

• Worried that you don’t have a good story to tell? Mike explains how everyone has a good story and how to use it to your advantage • Learn how you can get started using Mike’s storytelling craft exercise on his website, www.mikeganino/storycraft






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