What's the difference between emotional health and emotional fitness? Why does it matter? In this episode, Sathiya Sam explains what emotional fitness looks like and how you can leverage the added stress of the holiday season to become stronger.

Sathiya Sam is an entrepreneur with a passion to see people’s lives transformed. DeepClean, a program that helps men overcome pornography addiction, is Sathiya's most recent work to date. His proven process for freedom has helped everyone from college students to medical doctors regain control of their lives. He is married to his lovely wife Shaloma and based out of Toronto, Canada.

Listen to Sathiya's daily podcast: Unleash The Man Within

Connect with Sathiya on Instagram @sathiyamesam

Sathiya will be speaking at The Porn Free Man Online Conference on January 6-7, 2023. Register now at thepornfreeman.com

Take the Husband Material Journey...

Step 1: Listen to this podcast or watch on YouTube Step 2: Join the private Husband Material Community Step 3: Take the free mini-course: How To Outgrow Porn Step 4: Try the all-in-one program: Husband Material Academy

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