Wall Street has started traded water futures. What are they? And: Kade explains why Trump is (irrationally) mad about Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act

The post Financializing Water: Wall Street’s latest bad idea appeared first on HUMORLESS QUEERS.

Wall Street has started traded water futures. What are water futures? And what might it mean for the future of this most basic human right? Then, Kade explains what Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act is, which Trump has threatened to veto the military funding bill if it doesn’t contain reforms to Section 230. Kade explains why Section 230 is a foundational law for the internet itself, and why Congress has called Trump’s bluff on Section 230.


Bloomberg: California Water Futures Begin Trading Amid Fear of Scarcity
Water: Futures market invites speculators, challenges basic human rights – UN expert
California’s Water Market
EFF: Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act
Background on the National Federal Eviction Moratorium (from the National Low Income Housing Coalition)

The post Financializing Water: Wall Street’s latest bad idea appeared first on HUMORLESS QUEERS.