The ocean took another life off Black Sands Beach, an elementary schooler accidentally shared cannabis gummies with classmates, a possible coal train is not dead yet, the cheapest gas in the county, the new trail in Redwood National and State Parks, Larry Doss switched addresses in an attempt to unseat Steve Madrone for County Supervisor, possible offshore wind energy in Humboldt County takes another step forward, Klamath dam removals get ‘Chronicle coverage, exported musician on the rise ‘Crane Like The Bird’ shared the locally-inspired song “Lazy Eel River,” Ferndale export Hailey Dolcini has been pitching for Texas in the college softball World Series, a joyful message from kids at the beach, Humboldt-exported rugby star Evi Ashenbrucker overcame major injuries to play for Team USA, Kinetic Sculpture Race glory, Humboldt County Sheriff’s Officers now have body cameras connected to their cell phones, Arcata’s Humboldt Crabs are in action through August 7, a question about a casino affiliate possibly grooming kids to gamble, event suggestions, and more.

Humboldt Last Week is Humboldt County’s news podcast brought to you in collaboration with Tiny House in the Redwoods, Beck’s Bakery, Belle Starr Clothing, North Coast Co-op, Bongo Boy Studio, Photography by Shi, NCJ, RHBB, and KJNY.

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