DA candidates note how they’d handle the Lawson case, Governor Newsom is proposing additional tax help for struggling Humboldt County cannabis farmers, a dog was hurt badly saving a woman from a mountain lion east of Willow Creek, Arcata City Councilmember Brett Watson ignores many calls to resign, it appears this fall Arcata voters will decide on flying the earth flag over state and national flags, after claiming he was protecting his puppy in Alderpoint a judge sent an accused murderer to trial, a cannabis sale on Facebook from a permitted farm leads to a bust, recent conflict within the Humboldt County DA’s office looks to play out in the upcoming election, Eureka export and ex NFL star Rey Maualuga avoids prison time, the New York Post shared a nearly $1 Million listing for a Southern Humboldt cannabis farm, the FBI is assisting after a Fortuna bank robbery, homeless advocate Betty Chinn got her honorary doctorate from Cal Poly Humboldt, worldwide fans of NBC’s Parks and Rec are enjoying a local digital billboard display, SFGate says ‘magical’ Humboldt tide pools inspired SpongeBob, phrasing where we’re at on the pandemic timeline, event suggestions, and more.

Humboldt Last Week is Humboldt County’s news podcast brought to you in collaboration with Tiny House in the Redwoods, Beck’s Bakery, Belle Starr Clothing, North Coast Co-op, Bongo Boy Studio, Photography by Shi, NCJ, RHBB, and KJNY.

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Humboldt Last Week Radio: New-music radio with no commercials and local nuggets: humboldtlastweek.com/radio

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